Space for Seamless Interactions

Faster samplings and other minor procedures
– without rushing the customer.



The Timeless Space Concept is a solution for quick healthcare services where, in the traditional operational model,

the majority of the employee’s time is spent waiting for the customer. Such procedures include vaccinations,

blood sampling, and measurements of blood pressure, blood sugar, and hemoglobin.



Faster procedures
Optimizes the service process
Preserves customer privacy


How does the TIMELESS concept work in sampling?

TIMELESS is a unit managed by one sampler, consisting of two sampling areas.

Between the customer areas, there's a workspace and storage area for the sampler,
and a door alternately covers one of the customer areas.




A green light next to the door
indicates an available room.




Customer 1 enters the room
to prepare.



When the nurse comes in to take the sample, Customer 2 prepares in the adjacent room.


The sliding door ensures privacy.



After the sampling, the nurse moves to take a sample from Customer 2.



Customer 1 gets dressed and exits the room.


The traffic light turns green.

More efficient samplings – no hurry.


Sampling appointments typically last 5-15 minutes. However, only a fraction of that time is spent on the actual sampling. For the employee, the majority of the allotted minutes are spent waiting for the customer: taking off the coat, finding the insurance card, and dressing again consume time that is challenging to utilize for productive work.


On the other hand, from the customer's perspective, sampling can feel hectic and rushed. When sampling appointments are already running late, the customer understands that the employee's time pressure increases as the customer gathers their scarf and gloves.


Timeless by Innopart addresses these two issues at once: it reduces the time spent on sampling and provides the customer with a sense of unhurriedness and privacy.

This is how Timeless by Innopart works.


Timeless is managed by one sampler and consists of two sampling areas. While sampling is taking place on one side, the customer can prepare for the sampling on the other side – without feeling rushed and maintaining their privacy. After the sampling, the customer also has the opportunity to dress and gather their belongings calmly, without affecting the smoothness of the workflow or the adherence to the schedule.


Between the customer areas, there is a workspace and storage area for the sampler, and a door alternately covers one of the customer areas. On the customer side of the movable door, there are instructions on how to prepare for the sampling. Traffic lights next to the door guide the customer.

Compact and Portable Solution

Timeless occupies only 9.5 square meters of space in total. This means that two sampling areas fit into the space of one room. Thus, in urban centers, expensive space can be utilized significantly more efficiently.


Timeless can be dismantled and packed, making it suitable for temporary solutions when sampling or vaccination spaces are needed, for example, during flu seasons.

Cost-effective and versatile


With Timeless, a service point can be set up cost-effectively in any space while ensuring the client's privacy. The Timeless service concept is suitable for various quick healthcare services such as:

  • Blood sampling
  • Vaccination
  • Measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, and hemoglobin
  • Suture removal
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Tick/foreign object/splinter removal
  • Ear examination

Delivery Contents

The Timeless concept is delivered installed and ready for use.

  • The concept includes a plug that connects to a 230-volt power outlet.
  • 4 power sockets in the nurse's workspace for electronic devices such as a computer, label printer, mini-fridge, etc.
  • Speakers for audio playback.
  • Dimensions: W 3.8 m x L 2.56 m = 9.7 m²

Ready to transition with us to a new era of sampling? 


Contact us, and we'll be happy to tell you more about our Timeless by Innopart service concept!

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